Friday, April 3, 2009

Pocket Stars Beta

Well it’s been a long time coming but I’m finally ready to start beta testing a new version of Pocket Stars for PC and PDA (but not SP).  While this is largely a “fit and finish” release, fixing a few longstanding bugs, and cleaning up the UI, I did add one major new feature: comets.


In 3D view, you can see the real-time Alt/Az of the comet, a section of the path, and the absolute (“M-abs”) and apparent (“M-app”) magnitudes.  Comet elements are downloaded dynamically from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics


To display comets follow these steps:

  • Download and install the beta from a link below
  • On the Objects page, press the Download button next to the Comets checkbox
  • Select the minimum magnitude of comets to be displayed

I also added momentum to the chart when scrolling with a stylus and cleaned up the display somewhat.  If you do test this beta, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send feedback ( on any problems or issues you encounter. Email that everything is AOK helps too.

Download PDA Version, Beta

PocketStars.ppc30_arm.CAB   (run this file directly on your PDA)
PocketStars.ppc30_arm.EXE   (run on PC with ActiveSync connection to PDA)
PocketStarsOTA.exe     (Over the Air, run this file directly on your PDA)

Download PC Version, Beta


Tested using the following systems:

iPaq 1910, WinCE 4.20
iPaq hx4700, WinCE 5.1
Sprint VX6800, WinCE 6.0



Anonymous said...


Wanted to test the version beta 5.8 the Pocket PC 3630

After the installation hangs one self on Pocket PC and Sky Map

the Version 5.5.0 does not display the map of the sky he works OK!

Will 5.8 be possible steering the telescope in the version ?

Amator astronom Mark, POLAND

Jay Borseth said...

It looks like the beta PDA version has picked up a dependancy which is preventing it from working on PocketPC 2003 devices, but seems to be working fine on later devices.

Daniele Migliorini (Pocà) said...

I have the pocket pc Samsung SGH i-780 at 320x320 pixel resolution. Pockets stars 5.5 run correctly but has problems in display.
I confirm that the Beta work wonderfully on screens 320x320.
Daniele, Italy